Lies The Netflix Ted Bundy Movie Told You - YouTube

The Netflix movie Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile tells the story of serial killer Ted Bundy, who continues to be one of the most-talked-about killers of the 20th century, due to his charming façade that hid the monster underneath. Any film based on historical events has to take dramatic liberties with its source material, since real life doesn’t play out in three acts, and while a good bit of the film is historically accurate, there are a few major lies it tells you. Let’s take a look at the lies that Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, the Netflix Ted Bundy movie, told you. #TedBundy #Netflix #Crime A condensed timeline | 0:00 There were actually three trials | 1:53 Let’s talk about Carole Ann | 3:02 The word on the glass | 3:45 The dog adoption scene | 4:46 Jerry wasn’t a real person | 5:26 Liz never mentioned ’Papillon’ | 6:23 Judge Edward D. Cowart | 6:56 Bundy: Not a good boyfriend | 8:08 Liz and the police sketch |
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