Yet another week flew by in our summer classroom! ✨Here’s what Alice did with her students this week: 1️⃣ built and played house with students: boys and girls 2️⃣ designed digital Harry Potter characters in the girls engineering group 3️⃣ started designing Hogwarts 4️⃣ helped Laura with her experience UK with Laura summer camp, where we partnered with Zhao Yang Education school from China! ✨Here’s what Laura did with her students this week: 1️⃣ explored intercultural differences between China and the UK 2️⃣ done a UK pop Quiz! 3️⃣ played 2 truths, 1 lie about teacher Laura 4️⃣ explored taboos in the UK This was a crazy week and Laura had her biggest class yet - with 27 kids and Alice as her teacher assistant 😭🎊 A lot of ups and downs and learning moments for us as teachers and a lot of student giggles❤ P.S. Our Harry Potter summer camp is full in July, but Alice is actively accepting children for the repeat of the HP camp in August ⚡✨ Check out our other posts to see what is Laura up to this summer - she has prepared an amazing cooking and an even better cooking camp! 💣 #summercamp2023 #englishforkids #virtualsummercamp #onlinesummercamp #englishforchildren #englishforprimary #englishforpreeschoolers #harrypotterfans #harrypotterathome #harrypotterforkids
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