Sylvester Stallone - Injuries sustained while making movies

Known for physically demanding roles, his willingness to do the majority of his own stunts and having faced so many tough opponents, Stallone has suffered numerous injuries during his acting career. For a scene in Rocky IV, he told Dolph Lundgren, “Punch me as hard as you can in the chest.“ He later said, “Next thing I know, I was in intensive care for four days. While filming fight scenes for The Expendables, he suffered many injuries, including breaking his neck, which required the insertion of a metal plate. Welcome to Snooper YouTube channel and thank you for watching! This is my passion and so I hope you enjoy and want to come back. Thank you for all the support! Music: Wayne John Bradley - Grunge Rock Instrumental is under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 3.0) license Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:
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