Making Princess Asha inspired dress from Wish | by Yaffie Dreams Aleks Ponomareva
Making Princess Asha inspired dress from Wish | by Yaffie Dreams Aleks Ponomareva
#yaffiedreams #asha #ashacosplay #ashawish
In this video we will be making Asha inspired dress from Disney Wish. Sorry I couldn’t do a voice over of this one - caught a cold and my voice isn’t at its best condition.
This video is a bit shorter than Tiana, Cinderella and Tink since Aleks decided to go with double dress insead of the corset and skirt - it makes more sence story wise since Asha’s costume in the movie is very simple and extra details will ruin this look. We decided to use chiffon and Japanese silk for the dresses, some sparkly nette on top of the sleeves (falling stars imitation) and lots of beautiful trims because trims and rhinestones always look more impressive than a simple printed fabric.
Hope you will enjoy this video :)
Music: Be There by tubebackr is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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