Termite - Enter The Void ( Pavel Lokhnin Solo Project)

This is my first full experience in complete music production - I wrote this song, recorded drums and filmed video ( my girlfriend, pro-photographer was a camera-girl), then I mixed audio and edited video. The result you can see with unarmed eye %) My drum parts are inspired by my favorite drummers like Virgil Donati and Thomas Lang. I dedicate this song to the movie, that one day fully turn upside down my perception of movies, and the way, how to create a absolutly unic way to tell the story. Really, this movie, “Enter The Void“, is totally outstanding. Its about life, death and whet may happen after, but you a not just a fleshless spectator - you are really character and you fill everything, that happened to him. Amazing experience! This is second version of this song - I wrote fully new arrangement and add many nice sounding synths - a spend a week, just listening to the swarm of different sounds and trying to combine one to each other. My Equipment: Dru
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