How to cast on knitting stitches for beginners

A step by step tutorial on how to cast on knitting stitches for beginners. ►►► VIEW THE FULL BLOG POST In this video, I’m going to show you the long-tail cast on. This is my favorite method as it creates a very stretchy and neat cast on edge. It’s a bit more complicated than other methods (like the single cast on), but a lot of these supposedly easier methods will be quite a bit harder to knit in your first row and doesn’t look as good. So, even if it takes longer to learn this technique, it pays off later on. If you are currently trying to learn how to knit, then this video was made for you. You will need nice beginner needles (like bamboo) and yarn in the right size for your needles (check the label). For this cast on, you need to pull a bit of yarn from your yarn. You will be working the stitches from this tail (this is the reason why it’s called longtail cast on). Typic
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