It’s Spring! Let’s Learn English Outside! An English Lesson about the Season of Spring
Spring is a great time of year to learn English. In fact in this English video lesson I take you outside and go over a number of new vocabulary words and phrases for you to learn about the season of spring.
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There is so much going on outside after a long winter, trees are budding, grass is growing, and it is fun to get right out there and learn some English.
So come along with me for another outdoor English lesson. You won’t be disappointed!
⌛ Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off. This will reinforce the English you have learned!
Bob the Canadian
P.O. Box 419
Smithville, Ontario
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Hi Bob the Canadian here. It’s definitely spring in Canada. The first day of spring was about a month ago, but today is the first day where it really feels like spring. So I thought this would be a good time to do an English video to help you learn some words and phrases about the season of spring.
Well hey welcome to this video where I’m going to help you learn some English words and phrases about the season of spring. It’s definitely spring here in Canada, but before we get started if this is your first time here don’t forget to click the subscribe button below and the bell icon so that you can know when I put out a new video, and give me a thumbs up if this video’s helping you learn English.
Well it’s definitely spring here in Canada. You can see that the lawn behind me is green and I’m just gonna take you on a little tour and show you some of the things that we would call the first signs of spring.
You’ve probably noticed already that I’m dressed differently than I normally am when I make a video because it’s spring and it’s so warm out here, instead of wearing my spring jacket I actually ended up taking it off. I’m currently wearing a short sleeved shirt. I’m wearing a t-shirt. And I have my hat because it’s quite bright out here and I like the front part here to protect me from the sun. And I have my sunglasses with just in case as well. So one of the things you’ll see at springtime is people will start to wear different clothes. I’m still wearing pants. I haven’t started to wear shorts, but it’s definitely warm enough that I can come outside in just a t-shirt. I can have a short sleeved shirt on and I’m very, very warm actually. It’s almost like summer. It’s kind of funny to do a video about spring when it’s almost like summer.
One other thing you’ll also notice is people start to open the windows on their houses when it gets warm enough. It’s really nice that winter is over because we’ve had the house closed up for so long. It’s nice that we can open our windows and we can get some fresh spring air kind of blowing through the house a little bit just to kind of freshen things up a bit. I think I should clean this window though. I should do a little bit of spring cleaning.
So we don’t quite have leaves on the trees yet, but we do have what we call buds. So if I bring this close to the camera you can see that we have these little buds here and as spring goes on these will eventually open up and this tree will be totally full of leaves. I’m looking forward to that because once the tree has leaves we’ll have a little bit of shade on the ground. So trees when they get buds is definitely another sure sign that spring is here.
This tree here still has buds but eventually it will have blossoms. So blossoms are small flowers that some kinds of trees have in the spring. We’re going to have to wait a couple weeks though before we can see that happen, but this tree will eventually, the buds will turn into blossoms and then it will also start to grow leaves. So blossoms are another sign of spring, we’re just not far enough into spring yet to see them.
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