Polanski’s chalet, tea room he visited, intv with Gran Palace Hotel owner
Gstaad, 29 September 2009
1. Various of Gstaad street scenes
2. Various of detained film director Roman Polanski’s chalet
3. Close up of name on chalet “Milky Way“
4. Various of chalet
5. Various of exterior of the Gstaad Palace hotel
6. Set up shot of Gstaad Palace Hotel owner, Ernst Scherz, who knew Polanski well
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Ernst Scherz, Owner of the Gstaad Palace Hotel:
(Partly overlaid by shots of Gstaad)
“I know Roman since many, many years. He’s been coming here very often. We had jokes together, and when you read his biography you know all the hardship he’s gone through in his life and now suddenly this, where the Swiss let him come to Switzerland for so many years, invite him to a festival, and then, like traitors, grab him at the airport. I’m ashamed, I’m ashamed to be Swiss, I cannot comprehend what these people thought, because when you know the circumstances, it is simply ridiculous. Don’t those people have anything better to do than that, whether it be in America or in Switzerland, it’s grotesque. I cannot imagine what they have been thinking. For me the only thing I can say now is: put it right straight away, so that we can forget such a horrible mistake, otherwise people around the world will start to hate the Swiss more than any other population in the world.
This was a dirty, dirty trick, and the Swiss, they could have found any number of ways around it. They could have said, made that he get some phone call advising him of this or so... No, they were all those nitty gritty guys in our justice department who wanted to celebrate a big victim, ’We caught the terrible rapist Polanski, wow!’ they’re going get a promotion for that I hope. It’s disgusting. It’s absolutely disgusting.“
8. Exterior of tea room where the director used to eat pancakes
9. Various of woman reading newspaper featuring Polanski’s story
10. Exterior of tea room