Monster cover Victory Vizhanska

Happy Halloween! And thank you all in advance! Also today my mother accepts congratulations! Today is her birthday, yes, yes, she was born today! That’s why today is her day! I am very happy and grateful! Well, I hope you like my cover! Thank you! I will be grateful for the views, likes, comments, and for your support on my paypal. I’m packing for a bike. I am grateful to you! Every dollar of yours gives the opportunity to record beautiful covers and make you happy! === Enjoy, Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe! === BE my PATRON: My special thanks to: Peter Edl Jason Lewko Brian Cu...nningham Mark Mertz Goddess Nike Phil Lee Bob Phillips Jerry Chamness Patrice Zielinski Phil Novikoff Lee Clarke Brian McAfee Al Brown Sylvia Neumaier Heather John R Rennie Mario Poguntke Gilles Tremont Adrian Paul Larry Howorth Paul Cioffi Robert E Carlson Jr Daniel Griffiths Marvin Grant (Marty) Follow me on the social networks: - - - - - - @vicat0 Original video: ✖ Copyright Statement ✖ This video is NOT intended to infringe any copyright laws in any way. This is for the sole purpose of entertainment; NO profit is gained from this. It is the copyrighted property of its respective owner(s).
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