What is Acne and How Can I Get Rid of It ? part2 #Shorts acne

What is Acne and How Can I Get Rid of It ? Part 1 : 12. Wash your pillowcases and bedding at least once a week. Cross-contamination occurs when sheets and pillows are not laundered, resulting in acne. To avoid bacteria from building up and harming your complexion, wash your bedding once a week. If that seems excessive, at the very least, wash your pillowcase once a week because your face rests on it while you sleep. 13. Use an antibacterial wipe to disinfect your headphones. Everyday behaviors could be doing havoc on your complexion. Wearing over-the-ear headphones, which appear to be safe, could be the source of breakouts around your temples and jawline. This is especially true if you wear them before, during, and after an exercise, or if you wear them for extended periods of time. Sweat and moisture collect on and around the headphones, squeezing the skin and fostering the growth of germs and yeast. To disinfect your headphones rapidly, use an antib
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