Iceland I DIDN’T KNOW Edition

Things I Didn’t Know about: Iceland The word “Geyser“ comes from the Icelandic language, which originated from Old Norse and means “rush or gush forth.“ Iceland has only 1 McDonald’s item, it is a meal encased in glass in a museum. celand is known for being one of the freest countries in the world, celebrating Beer Day as a historic event when the beer ban was lifted. Early settlers in Iceland included Celts and Vikings, and Irish monks didn’t stay due to the harsh weather. The country has a population of 350 thousand and no permanent professional full-time military force. It ranks 4th in Economic freedom and 3rd in Personal Freedom. Iceland is famous for its breathtaking natural landscapes, including waterfalls, lava streams, icy dark beaches, and epic scenes of nature. This video provides a broad overview for those interested (like me!). Featured videos: Jonathan #IcelandFacts #IcelandTrivia #GeyserOrigin #IcelandicLanguage #McDonaldsInIceland #UniqueMcDonaldsItem #IcelandicCuisine #BeerDayIceland #IcelandicBeerBan #IcelandicHistory #CeltsInIceland #VikingsInIceland #IrishMonksInIceland #IcelandicWeather #IcelandPopulation #IcelandMilitary #EconomicFreedom #PersonalFreedom #IcelandicLandscapes #WaterfallsInIceland #LavaStreams #IcyDarkBeaches #NatureScenesIceland #IcelandicTourism #IcelandicGeography #NaturalWonders #IcelandicCulture #IcelandTravel #IcelandAdventure #ExploringIceland #IcelandDocumentary #IcelandicBeauty #DiscoverIceland #IcelandicWildlife #VolcanoesInIceland #GlaciersOfIceland #IcelandicHolidays #IcelandicTraditions #IcelandicMyths #AuroraBorealisIceland #IcelandicPhotography #IcelandicNature #IcelandicRoadTrip #IcelandicAdventures #IcelandicHiking #IcelandicExploration #IcelandicMuseums #IcelandicTouristAttractions #IcelandicBucketList #IcelandicDreams
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