It’s heeeeere!!!! Here’s the big AU I’ve been plannning! It took me six days to make this. SIX. DAYS. But, it was worth it! This was going to be my longest AU, but I had to cut it short because CapCut wasn’t processing the removals I did, since I had 107 in it. Lucky I saved it before it removed most of them. I will make part 2, but I need song suggestions! Maybe another song by Starset, but I don’t really know any. If you do suggest songs, please do some without cursing. Also, the thing that’s different is that they have new backgrounds for every scene. Never doing that again lol. Without further ado, here is the story!
Kiara pins Scar, who begs for mercy. She laughs, and then lets him up. Scar thanks her and then proceeds to walk away, but Kiara says she wants to keep meeting him in the jungle. He agrees. Nala, Kiara’s sister, sees them, and runs off after they see her. Kiara chases after her so she doesn’t tell anybody about what happened. After a thorough search, Kiara concludes that Nala didn’t really see them and is hunting.
She enters the den, and lays down, but Nala emerges and says Scar could be trying to hurt Kiara. Kiara argues by saying Nala doesn’t know him, despite not knowing him much herself. Nala’s expression softens, and she says she’s just trying to protect Kiara. She snaps back and says that Nala is just jealous since her ex left. Nala thinks about Simba, and then leaves the den. A few weeks later, Scar is sitting, contemplating whether he should go and meet Kiara, but she pounces at him. He dodges, and then says that Kiara is pretty good at pouncing. Kiara tags him, and they play, Scar eventually tackling her down a hill, where Kiara licks him on the cheek.
Kiara returns to the den late, and doesn’t see Nala, so she goes on a search. She spots her with a male lion, whom she is nuzzling. Kiara lets out a roar to get their attention. Kovu and Nala both glance up. Kiara says that Nala is socializing, and falling in love with, an outsider. Nala says that Kiara does the same thing with Scar, but words mean nothing to Kiara. She pounces, and the sisters fight. Nala gets Kiara’s scruff, and Kovu stares horrified. He tackles Kiara, who lands on her back and is pinned by Nala. Nala yells that Kiara is exiled from Nala’s den. Kiara runs away crying. Nala regrets it immediately, and Kovu is also sad. Kiara runs for the rest of the night into the morning and then to almost noon without stopping. Eventually, she rests. She has a dream, in which she sees herself and Scar, flickering together, and then half and half, until it fades to darkness. From the darkness, she sees herself emerge holding a cub which fades from gold to brown. She wakes up, and knows she is pregnant with Scar’s cub. It starts to rain, and Kiara climbs a rock, roaring for Scar. He is in a ravine nearby, and is hurting a lioness that won’t become his mate. He hears Kiara’s roar, and roars back. She hears it, and climbs down into the ravine, where Scar greets her. Kiara nuzzles him and says that she’s pregnant with his cub. Scar has a look of disgust at this. Kiara sees this and says that it’s his child, just in case he heard her wrong and thought it wasn’t his. Scar says that he didn’t want a cub with her, and that there are better lionesses. The lioness he hurt, Sarabi, rises. Kiara sees her, and is filled with rage. She runs beside Scar and says that she loves him, is about to give him a cub, and he won’t even take care of it, so he’s awful. Scar says that she and her life were never his concern. Sarabi also yells at Scar, and says that he had been trying to persuade her to be his mate, but he already had a lioness, so he is bad. Kiara breaks down and cries. Sarabi follows Scar and says that he’s making a young lioness feel like nobody loves her, so he deserves to be attacked. Scar slaps Sarabi and repeats that Kiara was never his concern. Sarabi dies. Kiara decides she has had enough. She roars, and pins Scar. He apologizes over and over again, but Kiara has made up her mind. She puts her paw to his throat, claws extended. Scar tries to apologize, but it’s over. He dies at Kiara’s paws. Kiara is sad at first, but then she smiles, knowing that she has avenged Sarabi and all of the lionesses that Scar had likely done wrong. The sun sets over the land, covering it in darkness. A few months later, Kiara gives birth to a healthy baby girl she names Rani. Scar’s ghost appears, and smirks at Kiara. She backs up a few inches, and then she asks how he’s back. Scar chuckles and says he has his ways. Kiara says that he lost his chance to be in his daughter’s life and have her trust. Scar walks away and says he tried, and that a father is very important in a cub’s life, trying to make Kiara feel remorseful. Kiara looks at Rani, and licks her, before the cub falls to sleep.
Part 2: Coming soon!
I own nothing.
All of the clips belong to Disney, as well as the characters.
The song belongs to Starset.
1 view
1 day ago 01:31:39 1
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