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Merch and Swag!
The World body painting festival in Austria. The largest gathering of body painters and body paintings in the world.
I’ve always wanted to attend this incredible yearly festival and showcase some of my own work. It is the mecca of body painting after all.
Interestingly enough, Covid 19, which has caused so much pressure and strain on the world, forced the World Body Painting festival to have their yearly event held remotely from home. Thanks to ‘ol Rona, I was able to compete this year! :)
...and Gentlemen, Boys and girls! Bare Witness to the Greatest Virtual Show on Earth! See it all from the safe comfort of your own home! Hear the sad tale of the Black Mamba and dodge Murderous Hornets! Test your strength against the Invisible Pathogen! Beware the Virus Stealing Monkeys! Are your pale hands dirtied by systematic oppression? 20 seconds of WHO soap will wash them right clean! Marvel at the Eccentric acts of the Tiger King and the relentless antics of the incomparable Clown Trump!
Come one, Come All! Behold the 2020 social media circus, the baddest trip of all time! Be among the first 100 guests and receive one priceless roll of toilet paper!
—— My piece is about our dependence on social media. It documents the trending topics of 2020 so far which have proven to be a real bad trip. Imagine what 2020 would be if there weren’t phones consuming us all.
Additional notes:
- All airbrushed with a combination of stencils, shields, and freehand techniques.
- All stencils and headpiece were homemade by me.
- The snakes on the right arm are black mambas representing Kobe and Gianna. The scales of the snake fade into the texture of a basketball.
- The facemask reads, “I Can’t Breathe” in zebra pattern (for circus sake), because it is literally and figuratively a black and white issue. - Instagram logo contains the Covid 19 image.
- The legs are styled after circus stripes but represent the colors of the United States, a constant focal point of social media. At least from my viewpoint.
- Trump, whether you like him or not, is a Clown.
- The model also has clown face because we, the people, are also clowns for consuming everything we see on social media.
Entrance of the Gladiators by Julius Fučík
Old Magic by Cody Martin
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