Madonna’s La Isla Bonita - 1986 vs. 2009 (loudness war - gain matched version)

A fraction of ’La Isla Bonita’ 1986/2009 by Madonna to demonstrate the loudness war phenomenon. This video is a follow-up to: Here’s the gain matched comparison. Remember: you don’t get to hear the ’09 version in its original form in this one. Its perceived volume level has been adjusted down to match the level of ’86 version. In reality it’s considerably louder, which you can hear in the first comparison video, linked just above. The samples are about ~4.8 seconds long and the unaltered ’86 version starts. The flatter sound of the ’09 version is more obvious here. In addition of hearing it (i do, don’t know about others), you get to literally see it. Nice sharp peaks that provide punch in the ’86 version simply don’t exist in the ’09 version.
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