Looking Forward To Being Together- Bei Bei &Jon Monter 《期待相聚》原创曲

We created this original composition during the Covid-19 pandemic “stay home“ orders to express our feelings towards our friends and family who we missed a lot. 我们在新冠疫情“居家令”期间创作了这首乐曲,表达了我们对朋友和亲人的思念和对恢复正常生活的期盼。 Music composed/Guzheng performed by Bei Bei Arranged/Electric guitar performed by Jon Monter 作曲/古筝演奏:荷蓓蓓 编配/电吉它演奏:Jon Monter Guzheng sheet music available for purchase at (购买古筝曲谱链接) IG:beibeimusic
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