How to Make Quasar Science LED Tube Lights For $10 - Budget Filmmaking Episode 2

In today’s episode of Budget Filmmaking we’re making Quasar Science LED tube lights. These cost about $10 to make and look really close to the actual Quasar Science brand lights. Materials Needed: Fluorescent Tube Guard (Can be bought in T12, T8, and 8ft long variants): Led Strip: White (If you only need white do not but rgb because you will get a much better quality of lights from plain white LEDs): =sxin_3_ac_d_pm?keywords=Led strip white&pd_rd_i=B00HSF65MC&pd_rd_r=cefde37c-3f44-4ee5-b63f-97f5febb1b6b&pd_rd_w=uehsc&pd_rd_wg=81Hby&pf_rd_p=be5d8dec-444e-4770-91df-1e16a8c46da8&pf_rd_r=04AV3DSSA184T46XQZCA&qid=1560895472&s=gateway
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