Ray Smith - Home Again

Текст с Bandcamp’a: “Christmas seems strange on a warm summer day Reminds me just how far I’ve roamed Far from the mountains and the valleys I knew The memory turns my thoughts to home (chorus) And when I see that broad fell again And feel the wind blowing cold from the glen The curlew will call and the ocean will roar Then I’ll be home again once more Then I’ll be home again once more Australia’s been good to a wandering boy It’s where my children all were born This is their homeland, it’s the land that I chose The ties that bind me here are strong ch They say that the migrant can never go home The only constant there is change Cities and towns can be moulded like clay But not a northern mountain range ch from Trout and Toolbox, released November 12, 2016 Ray Smith - Vocals, Acoustic Guitar Kerryn Schofield - Wooden Flute, Half Long Bagpipes“
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