Quick Tip 005.1 - Colour Palettes in After Effects
My nose is super blocked lol. But any who here are a couple of techiques that I use to build colour palettes inside of After Effects. Thanks for Stephen Elliget for showing me how to get two ’Effect Controls’ panel on screen at the same time.
Where I exist on the internet:
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0:00 Welcome and use case!
00:28 Drawing squares in the corner.
00:41 Colour pick the existing colours.
00:51 Comp it and mask it!
01:02 Add null and fills
01:18 Copy linked properties
01:37 Pickwhipping the expression
01:55 Essential Graphics
02:06 Paste linked fills to art work
02:26 @epicsteve trick
02:49 Copy and pasting
02:59 Method 1 - Shape layer
03:10 Method 2 - Essential graphics
03:20 Method 3 - Comp properties
03:39 Push changes
03:53 Recap
04:09 Outro