Hand Polishing Machine for Metal Badges 金屬證章手拋光 金属徽章磨き加工

All our metal products will be polished before electroplating, make sure the metal parts are smooth and shiny, this is essential procedure which differentiate our quality products and others. We are equipped with automatic polishing machine, however handmade polishing also remained for daily routine. This video is showing our handmade polishing. Please feel free to contact us at video@ Official site: 金屬證章、紀念徽章、記念錢幣或金屬鑰匙圈等金屬產品的製作過程中,我們會利用自動拋光或人工手拋光以確保金屬部分光滑閃亮。 金属バッジ、ピ&
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