Object Falls From Sky Over #LasVegas - Citizens Report Seeing Alien Creatures to Police (Bodycam 2)

On May 1st, 2023, around midnight, an object fell from the sky, emitting a green/blue flame over northwest Las Vegas. One LVMPD officer on an unrelated call reported in to dispatch that he had seen the object fall from the sky. Shortly after, a citizen called in to LVMPD dispatch reporting they saw the object fall from the sky and observed tall alien creatures in their yard. This information was relayed by dispatch to officers. Two patrol officers responded to the scene. There are two bodycam videos. One for each officer. Portions of the video are redacted with no audio. Presumably, due to being inside the citizens’ private residence. What has been told by the person reporting (PR) in an interview w Doug Poppa is that they initially heard what sounded like footsteps and voices. When they looked into the yard, two of their family members saw one of the creatures inside a forklift. They exchanged eye contact, initially unable to run due to feeling heavy with fear, and then the citizens ran away. The creatures were never seen again. The officer makes a brief chat and tells the citizen’s to call back if they see anything again. What is important to note is that there is a time-lapse from the object falling to officers arriving on scene of approximately 8-10 minutes. This would have been reasonable enough time for non-human beings to escape if they were there. There were photos taken by one of the family members involved at the scene of a large circular pattern in a nearby gravel lot that could have been where the craft landed. This leaves the question of where did the craft go? This information is subject to change as the discovery of new facts or evidence arises. Tips with additional information can be sent to @
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