Moonbooter - Evolved Signs

free(!) download of Moonbooter album“elected pieces“at Moonbooter is an Electronic Music project located in the German Eifel. The man behind the project is Bernd Scholl (*1971), who already worked as a DJ, artist and music producer for club-orientated music in the 80th and 90th. At that time, he already loved the softer, classic Electronic Music. After a break for some years, Bernd produces his first EM-album “Teralogica“ in 2003, which was first released in 2004 at Syngate-Records. The album “devided“ and “orbit number 2“ (CD and DVD) followed. Short time after releasing his 4th album “Under Control“, Bernd Scholl founded his own record-label “MellowJet-Records“ in 2007, which was fastly well-established. MellowJet-Records released 100 international Albums so far. With “lunatic voyage“ (2008) moonbooter ends his musical altercation with “conquest of space“ and “history of NASA“.
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