CHUG/BOTTOMS UP Bottoms up ENG: sometimes said by people in a friendly way just before drinking an alcoholic drink together. RUS: До дна! Опрокинем! Chug ENG: to drink all of something quickly without stopping He was so thirsty he chugged three glasses of water. Swig/take a swig of smth - a swig is a big, fast gulp. For example, you take a swig from you water bottle after jogging. The best feeling is when you are thirsty and you have a swig of water, it’s so refreshing and good. Guzzle – drink or eat something quickly and greedily Every morning I wake up and crawl to the coffee pot and guzzle the whole thing. Knock back – drink an alcoholic beverage quickly and often in large amounts. I once accidentally knocked back a glass of red wine at 8 a.m. That wasn’t my finest moment. Drain a drink – drink all of it, empty your glass. We drained a bottle of wine on a Monday night. New low or new high? If you wash sth down with a drink, you make the food easier to swallow or digest. To wash your meal with tea or coffee I don’t normally take pills, but when I do, I wash them down with alcohol. I dry swallow my pills, if you need something to wash pills down, you are weak. Check out the clips featuring some of the expressions mentioned above. Chug!Chug! Chug! Bottoms up! -There you are, old boy! Bottoms up! -What’s this? -Tonic for the nerves.
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