Music of Shakespeare’s Time

00:00 Rowland (William Byrd, 1543-1623) 02:32 Alman (Thomas Morley, 1557-1602) 03:56 What if I never speed (John Dowland, 1563-1626) 05:35 Alman (Martin Peerson, c1571-1651) 06:55 If my complaints could passions move (Dowland) 08:54 Piper’s Galliard (John Bull, 1562-1628) 11:20 Amarilli di Julio Romano (Peter Philips, 1561-1628) 14:42 Flow my tears (Dowland) 16:42 Lachrimae antiquae (Dowland; arrangement from Jean Baptiste Besard´s “Thesaurus harmonicus”) 20:37 Margott Laborez (Orlando di Lasso, 1532-1594) 22:47 Wilt thou, unkind, thus leave me? (Dowland) 24:43 The King’s Hunt (Giles Farnaby, c1563-1640) 27:25 Sir Henry Guilforde his Almaine (Dowland) 29:36 John Smith his Almaine (Dowland) 32:12 Can she excuse my wrongs (Dowland) 33:57 The Right Honourable Robert, Earle of Essex, his Galliard (Dowland) 35:55 Sir Thomas Monson, his Galliard (Dowland) 38:52 Lachrimae in 7 passionate pavans (Dowland) 50:32 Go crystal tears (Dowland) Charlott
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