How I Paint Things - Late War German Grenadiers

In 1942 the term Panzergrenadier was adopted for infantry attached to Panzer divisions as well as new units termed Panzergrenadiers. Ostensibly they were fully mechanized infantry units, though the equipment for them all to ride into battle in the famed Hanomag half-track was rarely available! READ MORE: For almost every historical wargamer interested in the Second World War there will come a time when you’re painting Germans - after all, you can’t do battle against the Italians forever! The answer to the question ’What is field grey?’ is long-winded and far beyond the scope of these videos, ...but if you’re interested it can prove a fascinating area to research concerning the likes of provisioning, manufacturing differences and the like... or you can just use the pot marked Field Grey and get on with it! In particular, the resource here at proved an insightful read and explanation of what each bit of kit dangling from a German soldie
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