(19 Nov 2004)
1. Various of Prince William playing snooker
2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Prince William, (Part overlaid with pictures of William at university)
“It has been three and half years where I’ve been very independent and been left alone to study to do my own thing. People say that it is impossible to do your own thing but actually, up here, and with the media out of it, it’s amazing how people get on with their lives and not bother you.“
3. Prince walking
4. SOUNDBITE: (English) Prince William, (Part overlaid with pictures of William at university)
“I’ve had loads of kids come up and ask for my autograph, I’ve had grandmas stop and ask me if I know any good places to buy underwear.
Q: Do you?
A: No actually, I was a bit stuck by that one.“
5. SOUNDBITE: (English) Prince William, (Part overlaid with pictures of William at university)
“I really don’t know what I’m going to do. I’ve hinted already at the possibility of the armed forces but it is really getting through the next few months for my exams and work - concentrating on that and taking a bit of time off, do a bit more travelling, get some work done, without a doubt Sandhurst would be attractive. That’s why Harry is going as a guinea pig first - see what happens. But honestly I haven’t actually set my mind on anything yet.“
6. SOUNDBITE: (English) Prince William, (Part overlaid with various of Prince William, Prince Harry and Prince Charles together)
“We get along really well Harry and I and our father. We are a very close family. There are disagreements obviously as all families. And they’re big disagreements. But when there’s happy times we have a really good time. It’s just difficult getting all of us in the same house at the same point. Obviously father is really busy. Harry is travelling wherever and I’m up here. It’s just difficult but its all good.“
7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Prince William, (Part overlaid with pictures of William at university)
“As much as I love being at St. Andrews, I’ve loved being here and being at and university, I am ready now to get out and do different stuff. There’s so much that I want to do it worries me sometimes that I won’t be able to do it all. But I want to make a good start of it anyway.“
8. Various of Prince playing snooker
Prince William, who has yet to decide for certain on what to do after university, disclosed that he would like to attend Sandhurst like his brother Prince Harry.
The future King of Great Britain, who is studying geography as an undergraduate at St. Andrews university in Scotland, said he would not want to “jump into“ public duties too soon.
He stressed the importance of being able to control his own life and insisted that the prospect of one day being King did not keep him awake at night, but the “slipping away“ of normality would be “very hard“.
Frequently breaking into his broad trademark smile, the Prince told anecdotes about his life in the quiet windswept town on the north-east coast of Fife - how he was proposed to in the street by a young girl and how one old lady, not knowing who he was, stopped to ask if he knew a good place to buy underwear.
William has yet to decide what to do after leaving St Andrews in around six months’ time, but said the Army would be his preferred choice if entering the forces.
He would be the most senior British royal in recent memory to attend the prestigious Royal Military Academy.
This was the first ever sit down on-camera talk William has done - showing how his relationship with the media is already having to change as he grows older.
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