Quiet ASMR Doctor CheckUp 🌟 Soft Spoken Exam, Ears & Crinkle Coat

Welcome to the Peaceful Medical Centre 🌟 Tonight you are here for your simple check up with the doctor. We will make you comfortable, ask some questions, check your temperature, blood pressure and heart rate and treat a little graze 🌟 Featuring crinkle coat, gloves, soft speaking, writing and more! Uploaded with love, Emma 💖 Whispaws Animal Sanctuary in Serbia 🐶 🌟 JustGiving Fundraising Page - @Whispaws_Rescue on Instagram and Facebook 💎 Crystals & Gifts to help Whispaws - 🎧 *ASMR Music Album* 🎤 Dream Away (Sleepy ASMR Songs) 🌟ASMR music album release available to listen now on all streaming and downloading services 💜 Spotify - Google Play - iTunes - Amazon Music - 📚 My Book - Unwind Your Mind: The Life-changing power of ASMR - Published by Ebury/
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