. ANOMALY Trailer - Fan Made

Anomaly presents itself as a sequel, set some years after GSC Game World’s original trilogy, and combines and expands the environments from all three of those original games. The Zone — the haunted, irradiated and mutant-infested land around Chernobyl — is bigger and more detailed than ever. Strelok, the player character from the first game, is apparently back too, and following rumours of his return leads into several large story quest arcs, in-between dozens of scripted side-quests and procedurally generated jobs. While story objectives are mostly just ’go here, talk to this person, recover this item’, it’s an interesting enough reason to explore deep into hostile territory. - Anomaly is and should be the grade A example of how to do immersion and especially survival right in a videogame For the unanitiated - Anomaly was a mod, now standalone for - Call Of Prypiat which was the third and so far final entry in the series and is
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