Hypersonic MagLev Trains Connect Dumbs via Global Tunnel System - Gene Decode Exposes
Gene Decode (pseudonym) has found a treasure trove of historical documents showing the construction of up to 10,000 Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) in the US and around the world. These are connected through high-speed Magnetic Levitation (MagLev) trains that can travel at hypersonic speeds of up to 10,000 mph. These DUMBs have been built using advanced boring machines and are powered by portable nuclear reactors.
In his second Exopolitics Today interview, Decode discusses the historical documents, news articles and patent applications he has found showing the construction techniques, locations, and the interconnecting Maglev systems for this worldwide network of tunnels and DUMBs.
Gene Decode is a 20 year US Navy veteran who served on five classes of submarines during his military career. In 1992 he had a Near Death Experience in which he received information downloads from the celestial realm about how Earth is run by dark forces, and also enhanced abilities such as remote viewing. He soon after retired from the US Navy and has ever since been researching anomalous phenomenon and exposing the elite groups, both human and extraterrestrial, secretly running our planet.
Gene Decode’s website is
6 months ago 00:51:16 1
Did Starliner just receive a message from ET?
6 months ago 01:19:53 22
Hypersonic MagLev Trains Connect Dumbs via Global Tunnel System - Gene Decode Exposes