Taken from the album MECHAMORPHOSE
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MORGENSTERN - Mechamorphose (March 26th. 2021)
From tribute to original
Just from the land known for its neutrality come five metalheads ready to make a stand...
MORGENSTERN are known for an intense, adrenaline-bursting and energy driven live activity as the only Swiss RAMMSTEIN tribute from 2010 to 2017. But that was yesterday...
Finally, in 2019 the mask has fallen, revealing their true face and a solid plan to raise mayhem in their own way. And that plan is called “Mechamorphose“: on one side, a metamorphosis from tribute to original, but on the other and darker side, the mechanical becoming of ten massive tracks, that will take the listener through MORGENSTERN’s twisted point of view on a world that’s twisted on his own.
Der Mann hat die Brille auf
Lusterreger auf der Haut
Voll verkabelt und versaut
virtuell fühlt er die Braut
Hat sie d
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