Rupert Murdoch’s Storyful Stealing Hugh’s Life for the Queen

This video demonstrates absolute evidence that Fox News, like all news agencies, is in fact an intelligence and propaganda agency for the Queen’s government. Rupert Murdoch’s Storyful, a self described “intelligence agency“ has been posting links to Hugh Squier’s personal videos claiming they own the copyright to his personal videos and his own life’s story. Storyful is out of Dublin, Ireland and is run by Rupert Murdoch for the Queen. Hugh’s video contained no copyrighted music, pictures, or borrowed information. They consist of Hugh filming his own life’s story in front of his own computer. Hugh has said for decades that the Queen, her knights, and her peerage have been stealing his life and covering it with the murder of JFK, Hoffa, and 9-11. They have used the theft to mark him in untold thousands of songs, TV, and movie productions making trillions of dollars. This story is the real history of America that historians will want to research 100 years fr
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