Song of Proclamation of the People’s Republic 인민 공화국 선포 의 노래 - DPRK Moranbong Ensemble (eng. sub.)

The Meaning of September 9 September 9 is the founding day of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Greeting the day every year, the Korean people look back on the immortal exploits of the great leader Kim Il Sung who liberated the country from the Japanese imperialists and built a new country whose masters are the people. In the first half of the 20th century the Korean people lived as slaves under the Japanese imperialist colonial rule for over 40 years. The 5,000-year-long history and culture of the Korean nation were almost eclipsed and the Korean spoken and written languages and surnames and names totally obliterated. When Korea was on the way to extinction on the earth, Kim Il Sung set out on the road of revolution in his early years, taking the destiny of the fellow countrymen upon himself. He accomplished the historic cause of national liberation on August 15, Juche 34(1945) and three years later, founded a people’s democratic state, the first of its kind in the East, on Se
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