“Bloodsport“ follows Frank Dux, an American martial artist serving in the military, who decides to leave the army to compete in a martial arts tournament in Hong Kong where fights to the death can occur.
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Bloodsport (1988)
Directed by Newt Arnold
Screenplay by Sheldon Lettich and Christopher Cosby & Mel Friedman
Story by Sheldon Lettich
Cast: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Donald Gibb, Leah Ayres, Norman Burton, Forest Whitaker, and Bolo Yeung as Chong Li
Rated R
Available on Blu-Ray, DVD and digital platforms.
About MGM Studios: Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM) is a leading entertainment company focused on the production and global distribution of film and television content across all platforms. The company owns one of the world’s deepest libraries of premium film and television content as well as the premium pay television network MGM , which is available throughout the U.S. via cable, satellite, telco and digital distributors. In addition, MGM has investments in numerous other television channels, digital platforms and interactive ventures and is producing premium short-form content for distribution.
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BLOODSPORT (1988) | Best Fights Compilation | MGM
#MGM #Bloodsport #JeanClaudeVanDamme