Eleven&Rose | Doctor Who (AU)

HD is our friend! :D Well... I don’t know why I made this. The first seconds came to my mind, I tried to do it, and then other ideas came as well. It is not really a fake trailer, just a story about the Doctor, Rose and Amy. A new group who comes across the stars and lives many adventures. In my head, Amy lost her memories after she saved the doctor from death. She joins him in the TARDIS when Rose reappears. Together they will fight against new enemies. You really can find your own explanation. There is no real story in this. It is just an epic editing with a beautiful music. You can imagine whatever you want :D I have to say that 0RainbowProductions (here is her channel : ) really inspired me. Her vid’s are amazing, so I dedicate this to her :D I made this for fun and I enjoyed it soooo hard! Thanks for watching, even if you don’t like it. I love you anyway :D Music : Prologue - 65 Millions Ye
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