Verdi ’Sempre libera’ (’La Traviata’) - Michael Aspinall, the Surprising Soprano
In “La Traviata,“ Violetta - the consumptive heroine with a dodgy past - gives a party at which one of the guests, a young man called Alfredo, declares his undying love for her. As everyone leaves, Violetta wonders if this really can be true love but then dismisses the idea. In ’Sempre libera’ she declares that she will just enjoy life, drinking and partying, always laughing and never miserable. Alfredo is heard off-stage, singing of universal love, while Violetta declares that love for her cannot be possible and asks instead for her freedom to be happy. The pianist in this performance is David Triestram while Karen Christenfeld takes the off-stage part of Alfredo. From a New York Town Hall recital given by Michael Aspinall in 1987.
See also other hilarious uploads from this same recital, including “Suicidio“ from ’La Gioconda’ and the Tosca / Scarpia scene from Puccini’s ’Tosca’.
Visit Michael’s website at www . michaelaspinall . it
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