10-hour loop Receive More | Energetic Synthesis of Communion

When was the last time you simply let yourself receive? With no target or outcome in mind, just receiving from someone, from the earth, from the universe. I’d love to invite you to a different reality….a non-reality, if you will. Just let it in… There’s an energy of relaxation that we can be when we’re truly being us. Where the monkey mind of the “should’s” and “have to’s” and judgments melt away. What else is possible with us actually being in communion with everything? No longer needing to enforce walls and barriers as if they need to protect us. Ironically, when you put up a wall to something, it is you who are stuck behind the wall. What if instead you could lower your walls and barriers and never have to fight again? Join me for a spacious exploration of relaxation and what it could be like to live with no separation to the world, and open up to you. This 10 hour loop is created from an Energetic Synthesis of Communion (ESC) session. What the heck is an ESC? Well, it’s tricky to put in words, so the best way to know is to experience it. You can also find out more information here: #dainheer #mindsetshift #relaxation #meditationspace ————————————- Find more tools you can use to create a more conscious life by subscribing to this channel! For more information, tools, and resources, you can visit my website: I share free tools and tips almost every day on my social accounts: Instagram: Facebook: My target is to change the world with consciousness – are you with me? If you see something that inspires you, I’d love for you to give it wings by liking or sharing it – this helps make my content more visible and introduces new people to tools that could change their lives. Grateful for you! Dain
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