DIY Advent Calendar Round | Tutorial
Here is a round rotating advent calendar. I have experimented a little..
An Advent calendar is a special calendar used to count the days of Advent in anticipation of Christmas... you can fill it with candy, money, tea, beauty articles, small toys .. They’re also fun to gift to someone! Thanks for watching!
You need:
► A4 Paper 220 gr/m² (gsm)
► 4 circles (Radius 12 cm)
► 8 cm x 10 cm [48x] (or in small 6x10 cm)
► 9 cm x 9 cm [24x] (or in small 7x9 cm)
► Design Paper / Numbers
► Sample bag clips:
► Craft glue
► Cutter / Skalpell:
► cotton wool
Other Christmas Advent Calendars:
Advent Calendar Book:
Advent Calendar Box:
Advent Calendar Tree / Tower:
You can share your work with me on Instagram Facebook or email..
I would love to see them ༺♡༻
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Email ► tanucreative@
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TikTok ► @tanu_creative
Hip Hop Christmas von Twin Musicom unterliegt der Lizenz Creative-Commons-Lizenz “Namensnennung 4.0“.
#adventcalendar #papercraft #tanucreative #adventskalender
1 view
3 months ago 00:22:56 1
5 DIY: Идеи новогоднего декора. МУСОР в ДЕЛО. Новый год своими руками.
5 months ago 00:08:05 1
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