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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAYYY BITCH! love watching this stupid silly gay show with youuuu! And talking last Sunday about how much this song relates to Stede and Ed, I knew I had to make it for you! I also think there silliness with each other is so fucking usssss!
Oh my dear Jo!
What a year am I right? Lol if anything what 5 years it’s been for us. So many ups and downs it brought us but I can say in those 5 years you have been the best thing to happen to me. I have no doubt that your presence in my life helped shape a lot of who I am today.
You’ve seen me in so many of my lowest moments, watched me have to rip myself apart to overcome so much trauma. So much intense therapy I’ve been doing this year. It’s going to be a long road for a long time, but I’ve never been more at peace in life than I ever have. I know a lot of the healing came from you. You’ve been my strength in so many ways, and you’ve always just brought the best out of me. Happiness that I never experienced. Happiness I didn’t know was inside of me.
As much as I always say I wish that I met you earlier in my life, so much heartache I would have avoided. I think you were meant to be here at this moment in my life. I truly don’t know how far I would have gotten with battling my mental illness if you weren’t here. You are so kind and patient when it comes to my struggles and I couldn’t have asked for someone better. You’ve just been such a positive light in my life that I don’t even know who I was before you. I felt like I was half living for so long and you were just that missing piece I needed. You’ve made me believe in myself, you’ve helped me be kind to myself. You were a person I always dreamed of having but all the sexual, physical and mental abuse my whole life I never thought a person like you even existed. You’ve made it possible for me to see something other than that. Nobody could ever do that like you. So I can’t express enough how special you are to me.
You are such a strong and empathic human being. Such a gentle soul in a harsh world. Even always in your struggles you try and push through it. Even tho you don’t alway feel like you get far from it. You are so brave to face it. I know probably in your head reading this that you don’t feel it. But I don’t care what the voice in your head says. Be nice to my friend Jo!
The connection we have, how much we are alike. I swear it’s scary how much alike we are. I knew the first day we hung out you were someone so different, that this friendship was going to be so different in the best way possible. How easy it was to just be with you! I can’t believe it’s been that long now. Time moves so fast with you. Just love everything that we do, how much we simp over older men LOL To watching movies/shows and playing video games is always so fun with you! You’ve introduced me to so many wonderful things that mean so much to me now. Something I love that we can share. I love how much we tease each other, sometimes to the extreme that I swear if people heard us out of context they would really think we hated each other LOL even our flaws and struggles are so alike.
Having you over at my place in September was just amazing, how comfortable it became, it was like you were just always there. Going to that convention and going broke with you was so fun! Just love when we saw that body pillow of Guts! God damn if it wasn’t 80 bucks LOL Smoking weed with you was so funny! How we just rotted our brain watching tik tok and laughing our asses off. How I left my room and I was so stoned already and when I came back, you weren’t on my bed but instead in my bathroom and I legit thought for a second you got kidnapped and my scared “HELLOO?” Just how much we laughed that weekend. God I would relive that weekend again and again if I could! But I know we will have more of those moments before I move out of state. Just want to kick myself that we didn’t do this years earlier. Why are we like this? LOOL I just love that this is us, and who I am with you. You are truly my twin flame!
So Happy Birthday you wonderful stupid being! Aging sucks but I hope I’m still with you when I’m old and we are still being this fucking stupid together! Thank you for being you, for wanting to be in my life and I lava you so much more than words or videos can express!! I know how hard things have been for you, dealing with so much yourself. I just want to make this day extra special with my present and video I made you! Even if I can just make just a second a little easier for you to breathe. You’ve done so much for me, and just know I would do anything for you! I’m always going to be there for you as much as I can!
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