Rising Souls (432 Hz) | 1 hour handpan music | Malte Marten & Johann Immanuel

I have nothing but love in my heart for my brother @johannimmanuel. We started playing and working together a year ago. Since then, we have been in contact almost every day, sharing ideas and going through the ups and downs of life together. Today he is like a brother to me and there are few people I trust so unconditionally. Every jam reflects exactly that, the trust in each other, the love in our hearts and the pure joy of creating something together. If you also want to start learning with me, join my free mini class and start today! Join my mailinglist to unlock my secret album and acce...ss my exclusive handpan learning videos for free: Malte played on a D Aegean and Johann Immanuel on an F# Low Pygmy by @AyasaInstruments Connect with us: @johannimmanuel @maltemarten Listen to my music on Spotify: Get your handpan here: Donations are appreciated 💛
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