Whenever you have a shitty day, just watch this and I’ll promise you that you will feel much better afterwards!! *pinkyswear*
I don’t know how many hours this took me (and I rather not know ;) ), but in my opinion it’s all worth it! I hope you’ll enjoy this~~!!
I can’t describe how much I love them!
(ps. feedback is much welcome! Please don’t reupload, and if you want to share it, please give credits(I’ve worked hard on it ^___^) )
List of shows:
Sesame player - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6
Infinite in Thailand
Infinite hot comeback
MTV Let me show
Vouge girl photoshoot
She’s back shooting
You are my oppa ep 7
Mnet starcam season 2
Days of Infinite ep 6
Nothing’s over BTS
100726 Sunggyu Woohyun radio
... Okay guys, because of the crazy amount of people asking about clips. I’ve listed ALL the shows, in the RIGHT ORDER :D
(so before asking, look at this please
3 weeks ago 00:01:06 2
Borderlands 4 - Release Date Trailer | PS5 Games
1 month ago 00:12:54 18
Bones - HDMI (DEELIZE & KEAN DYSSO Remix) Deep House Remix