I’ve Never Had Arms - And Never Needed Them | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

SUBSCRIBE to Truly: BORN without arms, also known as bilateral aplasia of the upper limbs, Inga has got used to simply doing everything with her feet. Although she had prosthetic arms fitted when she was younger, Inga rarely uses them because they were only cosmetic with no practical use. The student and aspiring model uses a special chair in the kitchen that raises her level with the countertops. Inga has a driver’s licence and other than moving her seat forward, drives a regular car. The one area which can be more of a challenge is clothes shopping - Inga either has to order online or go with her boyfriend Joe. But all in all, Inga hasn’t ever had arms and she says she’s never really needed them. Follow Inga here: Video Credits: Videographer / director: Michael Catron Producer: Nathalie Bonney, Ruby Coote   Editor: Shiona Penrake Click here to follow your favourite Truly shows on Instagram! Tr
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