This video was created in order to showcase aimlab tasks that might work way better to ones used in DEMON1’s routine. Tasks presented in this video will be very similar to one used in the original routine but more challenging forcing more precision that we actually need inside of VALORANT.
Improved Version of DEMON1’s AimLab Routine :
DEMON1’s Aim Routine VIDEO :
00:00 - Introduction
00:30 - Task 1 : StrafeTrack (Explanation)
01:20 - Alternatives to StrafeTrack
01:42 - Clicking Tasks Similar to StrafeTrack
01:58 - Task 2 : Headshot (Explanation)
02:35 - Alternatives to Headsh
...ot Task
03:08 - Task 3 : VCT Latam KiNgg (Explanation)
03:43 - Alternatives to KiNgg’s Task
04:25 - Task 4 : Multishot (AimLabs)
05:10 - Alternatives to MultiShot
05:25 - Task 5 : Gridshot Ultimate
05:57 - What we can use instead?
06:10 - Final Words
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