Airbus A320 - Raw Series - LDG PKU 36
Airbus A320 - Raw Series - LDG PKU 36
Copyright 2017 ©MF
“Dream it - Believe it - Achieve it“
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As the name suggest the new RAW series upload are all in their RAW state out of the Camera. No Color Grading, No Stabilisation, No Sound Editing, No Music addition, for the sole purpose, to have the actual experience, feel, vibrations and sounds that we deal with everyday on a daily basis and for the purpose of motivating others to follow their dream and never give up on your dream and get into the aviation industry.
Young aviators of today will be the captains of tomorrow.
Safety is and always will be the number one priority in aviation thus all precautions where taken during planning and filming each and every event during flight or on the ground using professional equipment and safety clamps.
All Company SOP’s where stricktly adhered too, whether in mid flight, or on the ground so as normal day to day operations is not effected in any way, shape or form.