CLIL: The Soft Journey – Нелли Новожилова

Courses for teachers and directors in ELT: Join us on VK: Content: 0:00 Introduction 0:40 About my methodics 3:31 Glossary 5:01 How the story started 6:03 But 6:35 An then, all of a sudden 7:20 Why? 9:57 Entries 13:14 Numbers 14:53 First Sprint 27:46 English Sprint Roadmap 30:08 First Sprint Discovery 32:02 Soft Skills 33:47 Second Sprint 38:11 English Sprint Roadmap 39:06 What is soft 39:49 Why CLIL 40:21 Where leads the journey 41:40 Self-reflexion 43:30 Thank you!
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