Cinema 4D Vectron Volume Fractal plugin tutorial

We’ve made a new tool for Cinema 4D and Octane render that allows you to create insane Fractal volumes with full control over the fractal, colors and volume parameters. GET IT HERE : GUMROAD : What’s included: -Cinema 4D scene setup. -4 different presets setup (images below). -VDB example files for Volume subtraction. Vectron volume features: -Custom density, thickness, fractal surface Iso and volume step length. -Individual gradient color ramp for absorption, scattering and emission. -2 Emission modes, based on iteration number and spherical orbit trap. -Uber Mandelbulb formula for Vectron with 25 parameters and different modes. 3 VDB example files. What you’ll need: -Cinema 4D and Octane 2020/2021. -Basic knowledge of Cinema 4d and Octane render/standalone.
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