Bending - R Health Exercise - Instructional series for Eurythmy
In this video we show you Rudolf Steiner’s health exercise Bending - R.
First we practise the consonant R. Rudolf Steiner describes R as “turning itself, rolling, which is also in the breath, which actually rolls when the r is pronounced.“ He goes on to say, “The R will be complete only if you try to move your body calmly but energetically and beautifully up and down while making the R-movement, slightly bending your knees, moving your head up and down.“
You can find a detailed explanation of the consonant R in our video, the link is below in the description.
In this health exercise, simultaneously with the R we bend and stretch the upper body forward and backward.
Rudolf Steiner said about this health exercise: “A particularly effective movement is this: bend the trunk with the R, stretching forwards and backwards, at the same time accompanied by the R movement. [...] Bend forwards, bend backwards with R, and do this very often in succession. This has a very good effect on the whole rhythmic system, on the breathing and circulation rhythm. So if there are any irregularities there, it works extremely well under all circumstances.“
-Rudolf Steiner, 1981, Heileurythmie, GA 315, S. 64, Dornach/Schweiz, Rudolf Steiner Verlag
-Consonant R:
-Rudolf Steiner, 1998, Die Entstehung und Entwickelung der Eurythmie, GA 277a, Dornach/Schweiz, Rudolf Steiner Verlag
-Rudolf Steiner, 1990, Eurythmie als sichtbare Sprache, GA 279, S. 64, Dornach/Schweiz, Rudolf Steiner Verlag
-Logos Eurythmie
-Video on the R:
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