Knowledge is Power, or Modern Tragedy of Governance | Russian General Petrov (Part 4)

The interview was shown on the television of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Altai“ 3 times during the year of 1999. “...The third level of understanding is various scriptures. The scriptures were written by people. Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad did not write anything themselves. Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov in ‘The Master and Margarita’ has a famous scene where Pontius Pilate, accusing Yeshua, says: ’I repeat, but for the last time--stop pretending to be mad, scoundrel. ’ What has been written down about you is little enough, but it is sufficient to hang you.’ And Yeshua replies: ‘No, no, hegemon. ’ This man follows me everywhere with nothing but his goatskin parchment and writes incessantly. But I once caught a glimpse of that parchment and I was horrified. I had not said a word of what was written there. I begged him-- please burn this parchment of yours! But he tore it out of my hands and ran away.’ This phrase cost Bulgakov a lot. Beca
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