Удаление слюнной железы у собаки.Сиалоцеле.

Сиалоцеле характеризуется воспалением тонкой стенки, колеблющимся и безболезненным. Диагноз подтверждается аспирацией содержимого воспаленной области. Что касается лечения выбора после постановки диагноза, показано хирургическое вмешательство. A salivary mucocele, or sialocele, is a collection of saliva that has leaked from a damaged salivary gland or salivary duct, and has accumulated in the tissues. This is often noted as a fluctuant, painless swelling of the neck or within the oral cavity. While often inaccurately called a salivary cyst, mucoceles are lined by inflammatory tissue (called... granulation tissue) which is secondary to the inflammation caused by the free saliva in the tissues. A cyst is lined by epithelial (glandular) tissue which is itself responsible for the production of the fluid. Salivary mucoceles may be classified as follows: Cervical Mucocele: This is the most common type of mucocele. It is a collection of saliva in the upper neck region, under the jaw, or in the in
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