Cabbage with lentils is better than meat! Simple and delicious cabbage recipe!
Best way to cook cabbage! Cabbage with lentils is better than meat! Simple, easy and delicious cabbage recipe! The tastiest stuffed cabbage rolls recipe with lentils! If you are looking for a new cabbage recipes ideas, make cabbage this way and everyone will be delighted with this incredibly delicious dish! Happy cooking and wishing you a wonderful day! 😊 💖
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🥣 Ingredients:
1 savoy cabbage
7 oz | 210g | 1 cup green lentils
4oz | 100g | 1 cup walnuts
2 chopped tomatoes
1tbsp ketchup
1tsp ground cumin
1tsp ground paprika
Salt to taste
🥣 sauce ingredients:
1/2 onion
3oz | 80g | 1/2 cup grated carrots
10fl oz | 300ml | 1 1/4 cup passata
9oz | 240ml | 1 cup vegetable stock
1tsp sugar
1 view
5 years ago 00:10:16 246
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