Escaping from Asia / Leaving Asia / Datsu-A Ron by Fukuzawa Yukichi 脱亜論

Datsu-A Ron (脱亜論) was translated here in both colloquial Japanese and English. Fukuzawa Yukichi (福沢諭吉) was one of the most influential enlightenment writer, journalist, educator of the 19th century, and the founder of Keio-Gijuku University, as well as a master of Iaidō swordmanship. This editorial appeared in the Jiji-Shinpo news in 1885 in response to the setback in reforming the government of Chosun dynasty in 1884. He consequently withdrew his aid to Chosun/Korean reformers. 「脱亜論」は1885年3月に時事新報に掲出された社説。当時の国際情勢を洞察し、近代改革の必要性と国権の独立維持を論旨に、福澤諭吉&#
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