🏆Award Winning🏆 Animated Short Film: “Kiwi’s Dream“ - by The Kiwi’s Dream Team | TheCG
TheCGBros Presents “Kiwi’s Dream“ - A Short film about a flightless origami Kiwi who has a dream to fly in the clouds.
Director/writer: Paloma Zhu
Producer: Daniel Rowe
Director of Photography: Clement Gharini
Editors: Simone Costa, Benjamín Števuliak
3D Lead: Benjamín Števuliak
3D Artists: Michael Nguyen, Daniel Rowe, Lewys Rhodes
Rigger: Michael Davies
Lead animator: Paloma Zhu
Animators: Simone Costa, Mikhail Magnaye, Morgan Mda, Flynn Smith
2D Lead: Freddie Belsom
2D Artists: Zacharias Allouane, Ben Noone
Original Music and sound design by: Ján Števuliak
Produced at Escape Studios
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